OCTOBER 18, 2016
Purpose of the meeting: Regular meeting of the Lockport Township Water Board.
Members Present:
David Cooper, Chairman
Wayne Timm, Lockport Township Rep
Lorrie Witt, Board Member
Paul Miller, Board Member
Pat Burke, McLellan and Strohm, Accountant
Scott King, System Operator
Rhonda Wright, Secretary
Members Absent:
*Jim Tolfree has resigned from the Board*
Call to order:
The October 18, 2016 meeting was called to order by Chairman David Cooper at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Approval:
Lorrie Witt made a motion to add to the agenda naming David Cooper to the position of Board Chairman. Wayne Timm seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Lorrie Witt made a motion to add to the agenda prior to the visitor’s comments a discussion of implementing Roberts Rules of Order. Wayne Timm seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Lorrie Witt made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Wayne Timm seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Lorrie Witt made a motion to name David Cooper to the position of Board Chairman. Paul Miller seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting Minutes:
Wayne Timm made a motion to accept the 10/4/2016 meeting minutes as written. Paul Miller seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Accountant’s report:
Since this meeting is not the usual monthly business meeting, no Accountant’s reports were made.
System Operator’s report:
Scott King reported the system is running satisfactorily at this time. Well number two will come on two or three times then malfunction, but the operator has been manually turning on the pump. The flushing of hydrants and pump cleanup is moving along. He has received 16 Miss Dig requests in the last two weeks for marking water lines.
Old Business:
- Pat Burke provided information regarding potential water bill credits in response to the boil water notices. She based her calculations on one week, two and one half week and three-week usage amounts. Based on this information it was determined a credit would be based on 17.86% of usage amount.
Lorrie Witt made a motion to use the chart Pat Burke completed. Wayne Timm seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
- For the hiring of a second operator the Water Board makes a recommendation to the Township Board who will make the decision to hire. David Cooper recommended Greg Millard. Greg Millard holds his S4 license and works for the Village of Mendon.
Lorrie Witt made a motion to recommend to the Township Board the hiring of Greg Millard as the second operator. Paul Miller seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
- Katelyn with the DEQ states the Water Board does not need a separate bank account for the capital improvement project plan.
- David Cooper is currently working on quotes for radio and cellular backup systems. Wayne Timm talked with Amy Roth, City of Three Rivers, and she indicated the City did away with their radio back up system. Further information will follow.
- Currently 133 people have signed up for the Water Department Blog. Some people who have signed up are not Water Department customers and in some instances, more than one person in a household has signed up. The Blog address is lockporttwpwaterdept@wordpress.com.
New Business:
- Wayne Timm indicated he has gotten a cell phone for the operator to use.
- Pat Burke will forward Miss Dig e mails to the operator’s cell phone. Discussion was made to continue to have Pat Burke receive the Miss Dig e mails and forward them to Scott King so that there are two records of the request and so that when she posts the response to Miss Dig we will have printed documentation of responses. Lorrie Witt asked Pat Burke if she thought another office person should be hired to help out with any increase in duties. Pat Burke indicated not at this time. While her office is busy during tax season, with the need for security measures to be in place for another hire she feels there is not a need for any additional staff.
- Pat Burke has received a thumb drive from JPR that she has not yet opened. It is believed the drive contains records and reports. David Cooper requested she open and review content. Scott King is currently making new forms that are needed for operation.
- During the time of a water boil, Jennifer with JPR would call one customer who is on dialysis. Pat Burke suggested a phone list be made to contact schools, nursing homes, Frankie’s restaurant and any other customers deemed in need.
David Cooper and Scott King would like a listing of all water department customers who have hooked up to the system. Since not every property has hooked up to the system, this would make it easier to locate which ones have should there be a problem. Pat Burke will provide the list.
- Mark Major, acting Township Supervisor, would like to put on hold any recommendation for a new board member until after the November election.
- Pat Burke received an e mail requesting information from the water department. This was discussed and the board did not object to the request.
- The phone number on the water department answering machine will be changed from Wayne Timm to Scott King. The dialer also needs to be changed to notify Scott King when system goes down.
Joe Nowicki requested he be contacted should a water boil advisory be made so he can update the Township website. He would also request that News 3 be contacted via phone and not e mail. There is an emergency contact list to notify news sources and other places that need to be notified.
Roberts Rules of Order:
Lorrie Witt indicated that at all future meetings a visitor wanting to comment must state their name and address and their comments will be limited to two minutes.
Visitor’s Comments:
There were no comments.
Wayne Timm made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:35 p.m. Paul Miller seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rhonda Wright
Minutes Approved: 11-01-2016