Monthly Meetings
Lockport Township Board meets Monthly on the second Monday of the Month at 6p.m. at the Township Hall located at the corner of Holtom and South River Roads.
58982 Holtom Rd., Three Rivers, MI 49093
Township News
Jan6, 2020
Voter Precinct Update
Lockport Township has permanently combined our precincts into 1 precinct instead of 2. The residents that used to be in precinct 2 will be getting new voter identification cards. From now on when you vote everyone will be in precinct 1. We are going to try and sincranize 2 laptops together to get the line to move faster. If anyone is interested in being on the permanent voters list please give me a call at 269 506-6983 or email me at
Lockport Township Clerk
Dec30, 2019
Dec21, 2019
Dec8, 2019
Dec8, 2019
Nov15, 2019