Monthly Meetings
Lockport Township Board meets Monthly on the second Monday of the Month at 6p.m. at the Township Hall located at the corner of Holtom and South River Roads.
58982 Holtom Rd., Three Rivers, MI 49093
Township News
Zoom Regular Meeting 07-13-2020
Lockport Township Regular Meeting 07-13-2020
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 8453 5962
Password: 706015
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Meeting ID: 832 8453 5962
Password: 706015
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Election Equipment Preliminary and Accuracy Testing
There will be a preliminary and accuracy test at the township hall on Wednesday July 1, 2020 at 4:30. This is to make sure the election equipment is working correctly. If you have any questions please call Tammy at 269-506-6983.
Water Board Special Meeting for Monday June 22nd
Water Board special meeting. Monday June 22nd at Lockport Township Hall at 5 p.m. We will be following social distancing guidelines.